a week till summer classes and what?

oh god. this break has just been... yawn-worthy. nothing to see, do, hear, make, nothing. nothing nothing nothing. a week's worth of vacation with *nearly* nothing to show for it, except a still-swollen cheek, scary shaggy hair, unmade bed spreads and 2 games packed away.

*counts fingers* 4 days since the minor dental surgery, and my face looks just as bad as it did the day after. at least the wound has closed and no further bleeding has occured, but my lower left cheek and gumline are still as bloated as a monster truck's rear wheel. the pain and discomfort have pretty much subsided, and the area only irks when i press it or when i open my mouth too widely. my diet's also returning to normal, meaning tough, chewy, workable food. one can only take a certain number of bowls of noodles, oatmeal, and arroz caldo so many times in a row. even guilt-free ice cream has its limits. i've also noticed a weird piece of gum tissue hanging a bit on top of my third molar. like the flesh is sagging or the sutures weren't pulled tight. oh well, the sutures get removed on tuesday night, and the swelling has a wednesday deadline.

why wednesday? well, because it's my first public appearance since the surgery. *yet* another debut to attend, and my role this time has turned into an 18 gift, apart from being a song like in the past 2 debuts. this means more trouble for me, since this time, the gift has to be well-thought of, sincere, and meaningful. unlike in the previous debut, where we settled for a group gift, and it wasn't too meaningful or thought-provoking, just fun (unless lacy bikini underwear holds some special value). i've been racking my brain for ideas on what to get the past week, but as usual, futile. my dad's also taken to giving me suggestions the past 2 dinners, and to my surprise, i might even consider them. i'll know later, when i finally go shopping for the gift, and maybe my outfit as well.

now, my past week couldn't have been mostly about whining in discomfort and contemplating birthday presents, right? in fact... surgery is the perfect excuse to abstain from anything necessary, and so nearly 3/4 of my time was spent in bed, burning my eyes on the tv or wriggling around to find a comfortable position for my mouth (gravity also hurts, by the way).  the heat and humidity don't even make it conducive to sleeping. the times when i do doze off, i wake up covered in a cool, moist stickiness. even rising from the bed warrants the tiniest annoying headache. it's times like these that i just miss the condo and the eternally-active aircon.

i did finish 2 action-rpg games, samurai legend musashi and devil may cry, the day after the extraction, but since then i've run out of other decent games to play. and aside from those 2, all the other tasks i've tried to set about on doing have been left stagnant or unfinished one way or another. i've been wanting to exercise, work out a bit, but again, surgery. there is another task awaiting: my blog layout overhaul. the idea has been brewing in my brain for quite some time now, but it just won't mature into anything decent (for my tastes anyway) or doable. i've searched for images, browsed other sites, viewed source codes but still nothing. not even a most basic layout or a color scheme to show for it. at least photoshop and css have become a bit more familiar to me, but with nothing to apply my newfound knowledge to, it's about as useful as my swollen cheek. i've never really had any artistic vision to speak of.

just another week left to burn. God help me.

Currently feeling: useless
Posted by no_brainer on April 10, 2005 at 12:57 PM | 1 comments
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Comment posted on April 10th, 2005 at 08:09 PM
waah. living like a bum? ok lang yan.

Punta ka mall! :-D Musta na?