typical stuff
damn, it's been a long time...
for those who've bothered to visit this near-dead site, you'll see that my last entry was on august 26, which is exactly... 33 days ago. over a month. though i've been on uncalled-for hiatus before, this deserves some attention. so much issues, so many thoughts, so many plans. so little drive to accomplish them all.
for nearly half a year i've been promising myself i'd devote some time and energy towards this little bit of web space i call my own. it's not exactly what i'd call a masterpiece, or anything even remotely pleasing, but again it's mine. and so it deserved even a little tlc from yours truly. over and over, i promised. sem break, during the christmas break, during what summer time we had, all these times i've said i'd revamp the site. but here we are, over a year after joining tabs (i even forgot my blogging anniversary! outrageous!), over a hundred entries to date (another milestone i forgot to celebrate) with a blog full of half-accomplished projects and broken promises. not anymore.
upon my name and my honor, i promise to update and check on this site more often, as often as it deserves. i swear to make it css-compliant, firefox-friendly, as professional as possible (sleepless nights of studying css, here i come). i vow to renovate this site into something that i can be proud of.
here's to keeping promises, then.