sem break log: day 9

ah, sleep...

if time is the most valuable commodity in the world, as so profoundly put by wilson (whose blog went back online just recently, with the promise of a "treat" for me), then sleep would be the most economical (i couldn't think of any english adjective which really grasps the essence of 'sulit') luxury to spend it on. sleep, as an investment, would yield the greatest returns. it can also be amassed in large quantities for later use, has long-term benefits, has *nearly* zero side effects (save a slight and lingering addiction to even more sleep), is readily available...

okay, so maybe it's not as readily available as i'd like to think. it's just that any time we could scrape off our extremely taxing class schedule would be used for practices or study groups rather than opting for relaxing slumber. and any spare bits and pieces we can muster up hardly make up for what we've lost over the span of the semester.

and so, sticking true to what i've said above, today has been a day devoted nearly to gaining back that essential resource we coin as sleep. after hearing mass early in the morning (as in quarter to 8 early), i went back to my room, getting back another 2 hours of lost slumber. lunch and early afternoon reading followed, before another wave of drowsiness hit, and i succumbed to another 2 hours more. now i'm here, catching up on online trivialities, reading my way through "the eye of the world" (which i am so close to finishing, maybe this week, so i get to buy the second book soon), and just waiting for pinoy big brother to come on.

after that, another journey through the land of peaceful darkness, nary a dream to disturb the silence.
Posted by no_brainer on October 24, 2005 at 10:49 AM | No comments yet
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